Email Validation Service ...
$1/1000 Emails

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Our Valued Services

What we Offer

Deliverability Guarantee


Money Back Guarantee

We are confident about our system. Let's proof us wrong, and you have 5% or higher hard bounce rate, we refund your remaining amount on your account!

Real Time API

Verify email addresses within your application using EmailValidators Email validation Real Time WebAPI.

Advanced Stats

See results of all validation in a beautifully formatted report.Visualize bounces with charts & data.

Simplified Email Validation Process

Create and Manage Email list with a user-friendly interface.Mass import/export/delete option is also available..

Much more than regex validation

Email validation with Regex is often inaccurate, because syntax is only one part of whether an email is valid.We implement many rules for accurate validation.

Avoid High Risk Addresses

Our email validation API is your first line of defense against high-risk recipients. When validating an email address, we check for role-based addresses, Catch-all domains, Spam Trap, Abuse Email & disposable domains.

Custom ESP grammar

We have integrated custom grammar checks for Yahoo mail, Hotmail, and Gmail into our email validator and are always adding more custom grammar checks as we discover these rules.

“Did you mean” and other suggestions

We have built in a suggestion service into our email validation service. When we have a suggestion for a common typos, we’ll return it along with invalid status, so you can offer the suggestion to your user.


Data Accuracy


Emails Verified


Bounces Prevented

Passionate about perfection

Plans & Pricing

Validation Pro

$1.00/1000 Emails

Suitable for all businesses

  • No Daily Email List Verification Limit
  • Real-time email Verification
  • Real Time API
  • One-to-one personalization
  • Role-Based Account Detection
  • Catch-all Account Detection
  • Disposable Email Address Detection
  • Spam Trap Detection
  • Abuse Email Checker
  • Advanced Reporting
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Skype: sales_69594

Phone: 00 - 91 - 9818966660

Whatsapp: 00 - 91 - 9818966660


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